Chatswood Spiritualist Church

Our Community

Fundraising Open Day will be held on Saturday 31st May 2025.

Hi everyone, just a reminder that the Fundraising Open Day will be held on Saturday 31st May in the church hall. There will be a whole range of activities happening from 10am - 2pm with bookings taken at the door from 9am, Thompson Ave, Artarmon. We look forward to seeing you all there. For more information please check our facebook page or email us.
We look forward to seeing you there at the church.
Rev Christine & Rev Lucy.

To all members and friends of Chatswood

Hi everyone, Chatswood Spiritualist Church, as from now, will be holding services in church on the first and third Sundays of the month at 2:30pm.
Online Services will be run on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month at 2:30pm. Please email the church for a link to the zoom service.
We look forward to seeing you there at the church.
Rev Christine & Rev Lucy.

Did you Know?

Chatswood Spiritualist Church is now holding services online.

If you would like to be part of one of our online services, please click on the link below to be added to our mailing list so you can receive more details on services and events.

I would like to join.

To all members and friends of Chatswood

Hi everyone, Chatswood Spiritualist Church, will be starting a group on Sunday 20th June 2021 at 4:30pm just after the service.
This group is a Meditation, Healing and Development group for anyone who is interested in joining please send Lucy Yardemian a text message on 0404 029 614 to confirm your interest in attending this group.
We look forward to seeing you there at the church.
Rev Christine & Rev Lucy.

From the Minister's and Committee of the
Chatswood Spiritualist Church

Wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you have a great holiday break and we look forward to
seeing you in the new year, with the first service being In Church on the 5th of February 2023 at the Girl Guides Hall Artarmon at 2:30pm, All are welcome.

We Remember
Sandra Hasemer

It is with much sadness we announce the passing of Sandra Margaret Hasemer. Sandra was a long serving active dedicated member of our church for many years. With her sister Anne helping and supporting many along the way. We wish her much love and many blessings on her forward journey. Remembered always by the Church Ministers, Committee Members and members of the Chatswood Spiritualist Church. Rest in peace.

We Remember
Maureen Wong

17th December 2021

On behalf of the Ministers and Committee of the Chatswood Spiritualist Church it is with much sadness we advise of the passing, of our dear friend and church member Maureen Wong. Maureen has been a member of our church for many years. Supporting the church with her Mediumship at Sunday service's and open days. Also at Christmas and on Special occasions, we enjoyed her beautiful singing and music. Maureen was also a great healer, supporting many with her healing and therapies. A beautiful soul much loved by us all, our prayers are with her always on her forward journey. An amazing person moving on now to a new adventure. Our love and Prayers are with her two daughters, Luli and Lelia and there families at this time. Rest in peace Dear Maureen. Rev Christine

Maureen's Funeral Service will be held on Friday 17th December at 2.30pm at
Finney Services Franklin Grove. 602 Hobart Road Youngtown. TAS 7249.

Here is the link for Maureens' Funeral, will be streamed live on Friday 17th December at 2.30pm
Rev Christine

We Remember
Joy Hill

21st April 2020

It is with much sadness, I advise the passing of our dear friend Joy Hill. Joy passed into Spirit peacefully on the 21st April 2020 aged 95 years. Joy has been an active member and Committee member of our Church, for many years, Joy was a gifted Medium and Healer, a truly dedicated and committed Spiritualist. A gentle soul much loved by us all. Joy will be sadly very much missed. Wishing Joy much love and peace on her forward journey. Our prayers are with her always. Our prayers also with her son David and daughter Robin, and their families. Joys daughter told me her last words were I love you, I love you all. Rest in peace dear one, in the arms of the Angel's. Rev Christine, Rev Lucy, and the members of Chatswood Spiritualist Church

Here is the link for Joys Funeral, will be streamed live on Monday 27th April 2020 at Rev Christine

Ordination of
Lucy Yardemian

15th February 2020

Congratulations to Lucy Yardemian.
Lucy was ordained at Chatswood Spiritualist Church by Reverend Christine Durbin and Reverend Marcia Quinton, as a Reverend of the Spiritualist Church on the 15th February 2020.
Many best wishes Lucy on your forward journey, on your dedication and service to Spirit, by whom you are truly blessed, and as a Minister at Chatswood Spiritualist Church. Many thanks to the Members of our Committee, who helped on the day with this beautiful service.
Congratulations Lucy on your acceptance of this path, and all the very best for the future, Rev Christine

Ordination Ordination Ordination Ordination Ordination Ordination Ordination

Don't forget, if you need to talk, please contact us, we're always here to help.

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