Chatswood Spiritualist Church

Chatswood Spiritualist Church Inc. was originally believed to have been founded in 1979. However recent discoveries have revealed that our church goes back as far as 1942, possibly making us one of the oldest Spiritualist Churches in Australia! So for over 70 years we have continued to grow and evolve. The Church supports the philosophy of Spiritualism as embodied in the seven principles. We welcome people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds. Spiritualism is a Philosophy, Science and Religion, and encourages advancement regardless of past experience. It supports the belief in the continuous existence of the Spirit and Soul after physical death, and the ability to communicate with Spirit.
Fatherhood of God
Brotherhood of Man
Communion of spirits and the ministry of angels
The continuious extistence of the human soul
Personal responsibility
Compensation and retribution hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth
Eternal progress open to every soul
The Church provides education and communication about the science and philosophy of Spiritualism and the power of healing and fellowship. We work with love for the development of the Soul through Spirit. We advocate the advancement of every human Soul through the act of Service, Love and Dedication.
We Remember

Reverend Fiona Fanning
The light of our beautiful little church dimmed on Thursday, February 28, 2013. Reverend Fiona Fanning passed into Spirit after her courageous battle with bowel cancer. Her strength, courage, humour, compassion and light will continue to shine brightly in the hearts and memories of all those whose lives she touched. Our sincerest prayers, thoughts and blessings are with her family and her husband and children at this most difficult time. The Funeral Service for Fiona was held by her family at St Stephen's Anglican Church in Chatswood at 10:30am on Thursday, 7th March, 2013. A Memorial Service to celebrate Fiona's Life as a dedicated Spiritualist and Minister was held in place of our regular 2:30pm Church Service on Sunday, 14th April, 2013. Many blessings on your forward journey Fiona... you are deeply missed, truly loved and never, ever forgotten.